Hollywood Smile in Istanbul
Let us start with a simple question: Who does not want to have a shining and charming smile that has an astounding effect on everyone? It is proven and socially accepted that a confident and dazzling smile makes a good impression when it comes to human relations. Let us not deny it; the first thing that people pay attention to when they meet someone is their smiles and teeth appearance. Having a beaming and cheerful smile takes a person a step further in both his private and professional life. A clean and brilliant smile is what everyone truly admires. Thanks to advancements in technology, It is now very easy and affordable to have that celebrity-like smile in such an important era of image.
Tooth decay, color changes, deformities, and symmetry disorders directly affect the appearance of the face. These problems can be eliminated with a combination of various dental treatments. What the experts call HOLLYWOOD SMILE is a personalized, tailor-made smile design that includes orthodontics, coatings, whitening, and veneers. In Hollywood smile design, planning is made by combining the best smile appearance in the light of the patient’s wishes and expectations. For this, first of all, the expectations and wishes of the patient are taken into consideration.
The number of people who apply to dentists for aesthetic reasons is increasing. Thanks to the Hollywood smile design created by combining art and dentistry, everyone can now have the smile of their dreams. Universal Hair Transplant successfully carries out Hollywood smile design and other aesthetic dental applications with its cutting-edge technology and team of professionals.
As Universal Hair Transplant family, we are committed to providing you an impressive quality in our services. All our operations are carried out by a certified doctor and assisted by a technician who has experience in dental treatments for at least 10 years. We only use German products which are the best of their kinds and results are perfect and satisfactory. Your dental treatment is a process of high care and responsibility. Our team of dedicated specialists will guarantee the best result.